Laser Engraving Business for Sale

Laser Engraving Business for Sale

ANJ Logos, LLC is a 15yr old multi-award-winning custom laser engraving company located in Sarasota, FL. Company is known for their quality and customer service and has developed a massive customer database that provides about 90% of revenue. The seller is ready to...

The Role Tax Reform May Play in Small Business Sales

A recent opinion poll conducted by BizBuySell revealed 84 percent of small-business owners anticipate their businesses to perform better in 2018 compared to 2017. Could this be due to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act passed in 2017? The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act aims to spur...

Improving the Value of Your Business

Improving the Value of Your Business Small business owners often face a quandary when deciding the best way to improve the value of their business. This is an important step to consider before starting the process of selling a business. Many business owners have a...