Submit a Referral

Often times Real Estate Agents, Realtors, Accountants, Financial Wealth Planners, Attorneys and various other professionals alike are asked by their clients to help them sell an on-going business. For a variety of reasons, it may not be a duty that you are willing to accept.
Refer the client to CIBB; we specialize in the sale of privately-held companies.
Submit Your Referrals
Use the contact form to register your contact and lead information.
When you encounter someone that wants to sell an operating business, whether they own the real estate or not, email us that referral/lead. Also, if you encounter someone that is interested in buying an operating business or start-up, please refer them to us as well.
We Do the Hard Work
Once a referral is submitted, We will then make contact with the Referring Broker, and subsequently the prospect.
Once we complete our inital client visit with the prospect, we will follow up with the Referring Broker to keep them informed on the outcome of the meeting and status of the lead. When your lead is signed up and listed, or the buyer engages us to help with his/her business search, we will send you an email confirmation with a referral fee projection should the listing referral or buyer referral result in a sale.
You Get Paid
Our standard brokerage fee schedule is typically higher than that of real estate, we always work on minimum commission fees. So, no matter the deal size, your referral can be hefty!!
Business listings are Exclusive and typically for an initial term of 1 year. The Referring Broker referral fee is 20% of the sell-side of the brokerage fee -or- 20% of the buy-side of the fee. Unless there are special circumstances, the referral fee will be no less than $1,200.
Connect With Us
Complete the form below to become one of our Referral Partners today