Acquiring a business often hinges on having access to sufficient funds to complete the transaction. There are several ways to obtain financing, each with its own unique considerations and priorities. To increase your chances of a successful purchase, it’s crucial to...
Have you begun the process of selling your business but struggling with the process? If so, you may need to make some adjustments to increase the appeal of your business to potential buyers. By identifying and addressing key issues in your exit strategy, you can...
If you are in the process of preparing to sell your business, at some point you may toyed with the idea of selling it to a competitor. For some business owners, the idea of selling the company they worked so hard to build to a rival can come with mixed emotions. It...
As a business owner, you’re primarily focused on building and growing your enterprise, but how often do you think about your exit strategy? Although selling your business may not be on your mind right now, it’s worth pondering whether your current efforts might...
In the ever-changing landscape of business ownership, deciding to sell a portion of your business can be a strategic move that unlocks substantial value in your company. A partial sale can provide fresh capital or bring in new partners to help drive business forward....
There was a significant decline in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in 2023, as they hit their lowest level in a decade. Global M&A activity dropped by 20% compared to 2022, primarily due to the challenges buyers and sellers faced in reaching price agreements...